We had a Christmas Recital on the last lesson day in 2021 and recorded their performance by class. All parents at our class room can enjoy performances of all classes. Every performance's individuality is shining.
クリスマスにまつわる単語を導入して、クリスマスワードビンゴやslamをして楽しんだり、サンタクロースへのThank you letterや英語で年賀状を書いたりしました。年末の楽しいイベントに想いを寄せ、真剣なまなざしで単語や文章を書き取っていました♪
We learned Christmas words and enjoy Bingo or slam using those words. Besides, we wrote thank you letters to Santa Claus or new year's cards in English. While giving thoughts to enjoyable year end events, they were writing with a serious look.
We restart the lessons from Jan. 6. For most of the students, this January will be the month of start of the preparation for their first English interviews. I’m also looking forward to hear their memories during the new year holiday from them.